John McAslan + Partners continued work on the transformation of King’s Cross Station has culminated with the development of a Heritage Partnership Agreement (HPA) for Network Rail.
This new type of listed building consent has given permission for generic types of work to be carried out over a long period, which in the case of King’s Cross Station covers certain works over the next 10 years. A HPA is ideal for owners of large portfolios of listed buildings, such as railway stations, universities, schools, museums and any other organisations where ongoing maintenance and minor change is currently hampered by the listed building consent process.
The HPA developed for King’s Cross Station is a graphic manual, making it easily understood which generic works are consented within the listed building.
You can read more about this HPA, featured in the March 2020 edition of IHBC’s journal Context, by clicking here.
The King’s Cross Station transformation will also be featured on The Architecture the Railways Built airing at 8pm Tuesday 12th May on Yesterday.
This article has been reproduced from The Institute of Historic Building Conservation’s members’ journal Context, with the IHBC’s kind permission. See www.ihbc.org.uk.